The sectoral data for Duarte and Restuccia (QJE, 2010) is contained in a Matlab file: DR2_data_sEhiYLhii.mat. This file contains a 2x29 cell array called sEhiYLhii with shares of hours and output per hour by sector, aggregate output per hour, and aggregate output per hour relative to that of the United States. The first dimension of the cell array consists of (29) matrices with the data, one matrix for each country. The dimension of each matrix is years x 9. Data is by column, in the following order [year sEhi(Ag) sEhi(Ind) sEhi(Srv) YLhi(Ag) YLhi(Ind) YLhi(Srv) YLh RelYLh] where sEhi is (sectoral) shares of hours and YLhi is (sectoral) value added per hour. Years vary by country. The second dimension of the cell array is the country name. So, for example, sEhiYLhii{2,1} gives 'Argentina' and sEhiYLhii{1,1} gives the entire year x 9 matrix with data for Argentina. The sectors definitions is in the appendix of the paper. An excel file is also provided. Note that this data is the trended component of the original series using the HP filter with lambda 100.