General Papers
Bilalteral Communication and Joint Decision-Making | Abstract Paper |
Gorkem Celik, Sergei Severinov* |
Costly Miscalibration in Communication | Abstract Paper |
Yingni Guo*, Eran Shmaya |
Dead Ends | Abstract Paper |
Evan Sadler* |
Delegated Expertise, Authority, and Communication | Abstract Paper |
Inga Deimen*, Dezso Szalay |
Multi Agent Information Acquisition and Sharing | Abstract Paper |
Dimitri Migrow*, Francesco Squintani |
Optimal Monitoring Design | Abstract Paper |
George Georgiadis*, Balazs Szentes |
Persuasion via Weak Institutions | Abstract Paper |
Elliot Lipnowski*, Doron Ravid, Denis Shishkin |
Reputation Signals and Market Outcomes | Abstract Paper |
Hugo Hopenhayn*, Maryam Saeedi |
The Multiplier Effect in Two-Sided Markets with Bilateral Investments | Abstract Paper |
Deniz Dizdar*, Benny Moldovanu, Nora Szech |
The Perverse Politics of Polarization | Abstract Paper |
S. Nageeb Ali, Maximilian Mihm, Lucas Siga* |
*Presenter of paper