Fri, May 05
8:40 am – 9:00 am
- Welcome and Coffee
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Session 1 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Li Wei, VSE
- Optimal Dynamic Matching, Maria Baccara*, SangMok Lee, and Leeat Yariv
- Dynamic common-value contests, Toomas Hinnosaar*
- Investment and Matching with Cheap Talk and Incomplete Information, Seungjin Han*
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Session 2 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Vitor Farinha, VSE
- Communication and Cooperation in Repeated Games, Yu Awaya* and Vijay Krishna
- Maskin Meets Abreu and Matsushima, Takashi Kunimoto*, Yi-Chun Chen, Yifei Sun, and Siyang Xiong
- Structural rationality in dynamic games, Marciano Siniscalchi*
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
- Lunch
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Session 3 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Sergei Severinov, VSE
- “LEARNING-BY-SHIRKING” IN RELATIONAL CONTRACTS, Arijit Mukherjee*, Jin Li, and Luis Vasconcelos
- Relational Contracts with Learning, Aditya V Kuvalekar* and Rumen Kostadinov
- Incentives in team contests, Nicolas Sahuguet*, Benoit Crutzen, and Sabine Flamand
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Session 4 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Alvaro Parra, Sauder Business School
- Asymmetric Legislative Bargaining, Jernej Copic*
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Peace, Charles Zheng*
- A Complete Characterization of Equilibria in Common Agency Screening Games, Aggey Semenov*, David Martimort, and Lars Stole
Sat, May 06
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Session 5 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Hu Fu, UBC Computer Science
- Costly Advice, Protests and Nonbinding Voting, Mehmet Ekmekci* and Stephan Lauermann
- Bounded Rationality and Learning: A Framework and a Robustness Result, J. Aislinn Bohren and Daniel N Hauser*
- Random Inspections and Periodic Reviews: Optimal Dynamic Monitoring, Felipe Varas*, Ivan Marinovic, and Andrzej Skrzypacz
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Session 6 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Arthur Robson, Simon Fraser University
- On Bayesian Persuasion with Multiple Senders, Peter Norman* and Fei Li
- The Interval Structure of Optimal Disclosure, Yingni Guo* and Eran Shmaya
- Cheap Talk with Fixed Agenda, Elliot Lipnowski* and Doron Ravid
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
- Lunch
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Session 7 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: David Freeman, Simon Fraser University
- Truthful Continuous Implementation, Yi-Chun Chen, Manuel Mueller-Frank, and Mallesh Pai*
- Dominant Strategy Implementability, Zero Length Cycles, and Affine Maximizers, Paul H. Edelman and John A. Weymark*
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Session 8 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Shih En Lu, Simon Fraser University
- Ambiguous Persuasion, Jian Li* and Ming Li
- The Dimensions of Consensus, Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, and Xianwen Shi*
- Incentives for quality with costly inspections, Peter A Wagner*
7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
- Conference Dinner: Taste of Thai Restaurant
Sun, May 07
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Session 9 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Yoram Halevy, VSE
- A revealed preference theory of monotone choice and strategic complementarity, John Quah*, Natalia Lazzati, and Koji Shirai
- Framing and Salience: Regional Preference, Andrew Ellis* and Yusufcan Masatlioglu
- Dynamic (In)Consistency and the Value of Information, Alexander Jakobsen*
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Session 10 (Vancouver School of Economics, 533) • Chair: Li Hao, VSE
- Subjective utilitarianism: Decisions in a social context, Shiri Alon* and Ehud Lehrer
- Collusion Constrained Equilibrium, Rohan Dutta*, David Levine, and Salvatore Modica
- Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Stochastic Testing, John Quah*, Rahul Deb, Yuichi Kitamura, and Jorg Stoye
* Presenter of paper.