515 W Hastings St
Vancouver, BC
Labatt HallRoom 1700
.Fri, Apr 25
8:30 am – 9:00 am
- Breakfast
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Session 1 • Chair: Shih En Lu
- Predictability and Power in Legislative Bargaining, S. Nageeb Ali*, B. Douglas Bernheim, and Xiaochen Fan
- Political Bargaining in a Changing World, Juan Ortner*
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Session 2 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Shih En Lu
- Manipulated Electorates and Information Aggregation, Mehmet Ekmekci and Stephan Lauermann*
- Informative Cheap Talk in Elections, Richard Van Weelden* and Navin Kartik
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Session 3 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Shih En Lu
- Multi-stage unmediated communication in a sender-receiver model, Gregory Pavlov*, Yi Chen, Maria Goltsman, and Johannes Horner
- Partitional Signals in Persuasion, Maxim Ivanov*
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Session 4 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Arthur Robson
- Aggregate uncertainty and the structure of utility functions, Nabil Al-Najjar* and Luciano Pomatto
- Robust Multiplicity with a Grain of Naiveté, Aviad Heifetz and Willemien Kets*
- Conditional Beliefs and Higher-order Preferences, Byung Soo Lee*
3:45 pm – 4:45 pm
Session 5 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Arthur Robson
- Social Learning With Costly Search, Manuel Mueller Frank and Mallesh Pai*
- Costly Search with Adverse Selection: Solicitation Curse vs. Accelerating Blessing, Kyungmin Kim* and Marilyn Pease
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Session 6 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Arthur Robson
- Coordinating by Not Committing: Efficiency as the Unique Outcome, Rohan Dutta* and Ryosuke Ishii
- Coordination with independent private values: Why pedestrians sometimes bump into each other, Christoph Kuzmics*
Sat, Apr 26
8:30 am – 9:00 am
- Breakfast
9:00 am – 10:15 am
Session 7 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: David Freeman
- A Characterization of Rationalizable Consumer Behavior, Philip J Reny*
- A Unified Approach to Revealed Preference Theory: The Case of Rational Choice, John K.-H. Quah*, Hiroki Nishimura, and Efe Ok
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Session 8 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: David Freeman
- The Transitive Core: Inference of Welfare from Nontransitive Preference Relations, Hiroki Nishimura*
- Freedom as Control, Itai Sher*
11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Session 9 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: David Freeman
- Preferences for Information and Ambiguity, Jian Li*
- Dynamic choice over menus, Alejandro Francetich*
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm
Session 10 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Songzi Du
- Implementation with Contingent Contracts, Rahul Deb* and Debasis Mishra
- Mechanism Design with Ex-Post Verification and No Transfers, Tymofiy Mylovanov* and Andriy Zapechelnyuk
- The Prudent Principal, Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné* and Sandrine Spaeter
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Session 11 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Songzi Du
- On Asymmetric Reserve Prices, Maciej H. Kotowski*
- An Optimal Auction with Moral Hazard, Romans Pancs* and Arina Nikandrova
5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Session 12 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Songzi Du
- Consumers on a Leash: Advertised Sales and Intertemporal Price Discrimination, Aniko Oery*
- Strongly Symmetric Equilibria in Bandit Games, Nicolas Klein*, Johannes Hörner, and Sven Rady
Sun, Apr 27
8:30 am – 9:00 am
- Breakfast
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Session 13 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Songzi Du
- Efficient dynamic mechanisms in environments with interdependent valuations, Heng Liu*
- Sense and Suspense: Implementation by Gradual Revelation, Gorkem Celik*
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Session 14 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Songzi Du
- Arbitrage Pricing in Noncompetitive Markets, Andrés Carvajal* and Marek Weretka
- A Battle of Informed Traders and the Market Game Foundations for Rational Expectations Equilibrium, James Peck*
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Session 15 (SFU Harbour Centre, Labatt Hall) • Chair: Songzi Du
- Discriminatory Information Disclosure, Hao Li and Xianwen Shi*
- Non-supermodular price-setting games, Gabor Virag* and Eray Cumbul
* Presenter of paper.