Conference venue:
CETC 2011 will be held on UBC campus at:
UBC Asian Centre Auditorium
1871 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
The Asian Center is located on the NW corner of UBC, 1871 West Mall, just inside gate 4 directly opposite from the Museum of Anthropology on NW Marine Drive. The Asian Centre is situated behind the CK Choi Building and front of the Nitobe Gardens. A metered parking lot and a parkade is located beside the Asian Center Building.
Friday May 13, 2011 |
9:00 am |
Tomasz Sadzik* and Ennio Stacchetti, Continuous Time Contracting: Hidden Action and Hidden Information
9:30 am |
alberto Bisin* and Viral Acharya, Counterparty risk externality: Centralized versus over-the-counter markets
10:15 am |
Vasiliki Skreta* and Ichiro Obara, A Foundation of Dynamic Bargaining with Incomplete Information
10:45 am |
Thomas Wiseman*, A Partial Folk Theorem for Games with Private Learning
11:30 am |
Xianwen Shi* and Benny Moldovanu, Search Committees
12:00 pm |
Artyom Shneyerov* and Andras Niedermayer, Search brokers
2:00 pm |
H. Jerome Keisler and Byung Soo Lee*, Common Assumption of Rationality
2:30 pm |
Marciano Siniscalchi*, Recursive vector expected utility
3:15 pm |
Peter Klibanoff*, Sujoy Mukerji, and Kyoungwon Seo, Relevance and Symmetry
3:45 pm |
Sandeep Baliga, Eran Hanany*, and Peter Klibanoff, Polarization and Ambiguity
4:30 pm |
Maxim Ivanov*, Dynamic Informational Control
5:00 pm |
Andrea Wilson*, Vasiliki Skreta, Mikhail Golosov, and Aleh Tsyvinski, Dynamic Strategic Information Transmission
5:30 pm |
Ming Li* and Qiang Fu, Reputation-Concerned Policy Makers and Institution Design
Saturday May 14, 2011 |
9:00 am |
Itai Sher* and Rakesh Vohra, Price Discrimination Through Communication
9:30 am |
Licun Xue*, Bidding, Renegotiation, and Coalition Formation with Externalities
10:15 am |
10:45 am |
Charles Zheng*, Robust Collusion in Auctions
11:30 am |
Jean Guillaume Forand*, Keeping Your Options Open
12:00 pm |
Nicolas Klein*, The Importance of Being Honest
2:00 pm |
Sean Horan*, Sequential Search and Choice from Lists
2:30 pm |
Willemien Kets*, Bounded reasoning and higher-order uncertainty
3:15 pm |
Ettore Damiano*, Hao Li, and Wing Suen, Sincere Voting in Large Elections
3:45 pm |
Colin Stewart* and Jakub Steiner, Influential Opinion Leaders
4:30 pm |
Luke Boosey*, Salary Competition in Matching Markets with Private Information
5:00 pm |
Simon Board* and Andrzej Skrzypacz, Revenue Management with Forward-Looking Buyers
7:30 pm |
Conference dinner: The conference dinner will be held at Kirin Restaurant Downtown. All the presenters, session chairs, and organizers are welcome. · Address: 1172 Alberni Street. · Tel: (604) 682-8833 · Web: |
Sunday May 15, 2011 |
9:00 am |
Roland Strausz*, The Political Economy of Regulatory Risk
9:30 am |
Nancy Carson and Carolyn Pitchik*, Fair Division in the Presence of Indivisible Goods and Widespread Externalities
10:15 am |
Brian W. Rogers*, Cooperation in Anonymous Dynamic Social Networks
11:30 am |
Dotan Persitz*, Power and Core-Periphery Networks
12:00 pm |
Tymofiy Mylovanov* and Nicolas Klein, Little White Lies
* Presenter of paper.