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Kochov, Asen, University of Rochester
Kuzmics, Christoph, Kellogg School of Management


Lester, Benjamin, University of Western Ontario
Levendorskii, Sergei, Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester
Li, Hao, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia
Lo, Pei-yu Melody, The University of Hong Kong
Luo, Xiao, National University of Singapore


Noor, Jawwad, Boston University


Obara, Ichiro, UCLA Economics
Oliveros, Santiago, Haas School of Busicness- UC Berkeley


Pak, Maxwell, Queen's University
Palfrey, Tom, CalTech
Peters, Michael, UBC


Ray, Debraj, Economics, NYU
Robson, Arthur, Economics Simon Fraser
Rogers, Brian, Kellogg School of Management


Sákovics, József, Edinburgh University
Seo, Kyoungwon, Northwestern/Kellogg/MEDS
Severinov, Sergei, UBC
Song, Joon, University of Essex
Steiner, Jakub, kellogg
Steiner, Jakub, Northwestern University (MEDS)
Stewart, Colin, University of Toronto
Suen, Wing, The University of Hong Kong


Tripathi, Vinayak, Highbridge Capital Management

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