Example of discontinuous function with partial derivatives

Define the function  f  of two variables by
 f (xy) = 0     if (xy) = (0, 0)

x2 + y2
    if (xy¹ (0, 0).
This function has partial derivatives with respect to x and with respect to y for all values of (xy). (For every fixed value of y the function gy defined by gy(x) =  f (xy) for all x is differentiable, and for every fixed value of x the function hx defined by hx(y) =  f (xy) for all y is differentiable. Note that for g0(x) = 0 for all x and h0(y) = 0 for all y.) However,  f  is not continuous at (0, 0): we have  f (0, 0) = 0, but  f (xx) = 1/2, for example, for all x ¹ 0.

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